Other Writing

Hell Knight: Rise of the Betrayer Sample Chapter 1Thirteen knights stood in

Chapter 1

Thirteen knights stood in a circle surrounding a large pool of inky black liquid that vibrated with commands from beyond their plane. The chants from The Ninth Order could barely be heard over crackling hellfire and the wailing of the damned.

Hadrian Kane—the captain of this small unit of Hell Knights—waited patiently to enter the portal into Creation. Each unit consisted of thirteen knights—never more, and never less. If a knight fell, they were to be replaced.

He eyed the ring of his...

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Shotgun Grandma: Volume 1 Sample Chapter 1“A Killer Beginning” The coffee

Chapter 1

“A Killer Beginning”

The coffee house was in chaos. A girl with dyed red hair and a nose ring worked the register, while a teenage boy with a fresh case of acne ran back and forth from the espresso machines to the counter. The girl wore a smile, but it didn’t hide the underlying stress she was likely experiencing. The pair of workers were barely treading water. The line of customers backed up to the front door and the drive-thru wrapped around the building and into the street.


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